Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Dude, is this thing on?

It may be time for Sweet Mama Jones to Ctrl Alt Delete.

It's not that I want to exit the blogging world, it's quite the opposite: I want back in! But I need a new platform.  Somewhere I can be me again. What sucks is, I love Sweet Mama Jones. I bought the effing domain name for craps sake. But, as some of you know, SMJ security was breached awhile back and that leaves me feeling all cold and vulnerable here. Who can decompress under such conditions?

And y'all? There are days I seriously need to decompress or I fear I'll begin knocking over liquor stores all Thelma & Louise style. For FUN.

I've visited my "happy place", "taken the high road", and "turned the other cheek" so many damn times that I'm probably going to be ordained into living-sainthood and, like, have my own statue. Lifetime Movie Network will likely contact me to do a feature film (starring me as me), Oprah will want to build another school in Africa just so she can name it after me...and if she doesn't, then she should.  

Okaaay, so I exaggerate. I can't help it! I don't tell you how to use your gifts do I? Anyways, so nothing going on is that big of a deal per se, but it is affecting me. And that? Is so not cool.

Basically, I'm a non-confrontational person who keeps finding herself in the middle of the stupidest people's drama's. According to some friends that I've talked this over with, it's going to take GETTING confrontational for it to stop. Uuugh. Why do I have to have such smart friends? And they go and say all these new-agey things like: "look at it as an opportunity to grow" and "step outside your comfort zone and lay down your boundary lines" and "just punch them in the face"..errr, well, no one has said that last part, but it's a nice idea anyways.

ETA: just so you guys don't think I'm some big wuss, there really was a time in my life when I considered inviting an individual or two to smooch my shapely, iridescent, behind to be glorious fun. No, really, I did! But I'm not that person anymore. I just don't care about stupid people enough to give them any attention (nor do I want to contract any STD's) and yet, ignoring them is not working out. Sigh, big girl panty department, here I come...I'm ready for my fitting.


In other, more exciting, and totally self-promoting news:::::::::

I am getting published! 


Let me say that again.

I. Am. Getting. Published.

AND I'm getting paid for it! 

(***insert squeal of delight here***)

 I just found out today. OH, if only I had been here when the mailman delivered the acceptance letter I would have full on made out with kissed him. 

I don't want to say when or where just yet, but I am saying it here first, and only here. So those of you on my Facebook are sworn to secrecy, got it? Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket. Not even my mama knows yet. I want to send it to her in the mail....so that she will want to kiss her mailman too.

It's just a contributing-freelance-editorial-type article, but it's a big damn deal to me. My biggest hope is that it's the start of a dream come true, not some bawdy one night stand that leaves me feeling dirty in the morning.....(for the record, no, it is NOT porn related.)