Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Peace & Cupcakes Pillowcase Dress

Meet my Monday night project: a little trial and error (mostly error) dress I named "Peace & Cupcakes"....

Firstly(?) & most importantly you should know I bought this really stinkin' cute pattern called "Sew Easy" Pillowcase Dress from Foot Loose & Fancy Free on ETSY. You gotta love it! I really hope to someday do it justice. As those of you with keen sewista eyesight may notice my armpit armholes needs some work as do my bias tape making skills. 

Cross your heart promise not to judge this awesome pattern by my first attempt! 

{IMPORTANT: Pics of the way I added my border hem are not part of her pattern for I would not take liberties with the designers rights by so blatantly posting photos of her hard work! And I'm serious as a heart attack about that. Its simply the way I was taught to put a border on a pillowcase to "trap" the raw edges inside the casing & so I began with what I knew how to do in an attempt to personalize & doll up my version.}
LOVE the pattern so much I put it in page protectors & cute pink flex-folder :)
Mid-roll (after stitching on cupcake border)

then closing it all up inside....

....and pulling it out the ends....

And Voila! Wait. Stop the music. I totally sewed it UPSIDE DOWN. Crap...
Ok, so those errors I mentioned? Well there's one major one that turned a size 5 dress turned into a 4T. I cut that  border off & started over the right way! Then I got down to the business of following the pattern & here is my outcome:

{{{ TRUE LOVE!!! }}}

Like I said, the armholes need some work and I know won't win any Project Runways for Rugrats anytime soon but I'm still having a ball!

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Lazy Sunday

It's Sunday afternoon, technically evening, and I'm sitting here bored. How lame is that? I don't think I've been really and truly bored in a very long time. But I am. And even though I normally think that only boring people get bored, I'm not going to think that right now. Because it's me. 

Friday I sewed myself a little purse/bag/market tote thingy from 4 fat quarters. I like it plenty but I can now see the importance of lining. It's reversible so I don't mean that kind of lining, I mean the kind that makes something stiffer. Interfacing? Don't laugh, learning to sew means also learning a whole new language.
Kiddo would only hold it long enough for a snap of the BlackBLURRBerry

Yes, blurry,but couldn't have you miss this awesomeness.
Saturday I met up with a couple of crochet friends at a coffee shop in the cute little downtown area. I made a coaster. One. Whole. Coaster. I know, watch me go! Meanwhile one friend was working on a double stand stadium in blanket in Redskin colors (and I'm still friends with her, see how tolerant I am?) and the other was trying to master a very confusing crochet pattern for a blanket she wants to make for her first grandchild - a girl due later this year. I hope I didn't intimidate them with my hardcore coaster. 

Also on Saturday I tried to have a yard sale. I sold a boppy cushion to the neighbor kid for a buck for his cat Sonya. And then I gave away a couple of books to his cousin. Donald Trump is dying to get me on The Apprentice. 

Our street ends at the beach less than 2 blocks down. We have foot traffic all day long every day. Yesterday? A perfectly sunny beach weather kind of day? None. Nary a stroller pusher or dog walker or bike thief (ahem, there's a story there I'll share sometime). I thought I was being very entrepreneur'ish by choosing lots of great beach reading material to sell. But no. Well, I mean I DID, but I can't help it if no one was smart enough to stop by for a bargain priced book. 

Yeah. So I packed that in early and spent most of the rest of the day flipping magazine pages in search of something inspiring. I fell asleep.

Of course now that I am sitting here on the front porch not having a yard sale, there are tons of people wandering past. They probably think I'm a geek sitting out here on the computer but the truth is, its the only place we can get wifi at the moment. It's an 81 year old house. It has mood swings. 

There is music at the beach tonight, like most Sunday nights thru the summer. I think they call it Groovin By the Bay. I call it Pick Up Your Trash When You Leave And Please Obey The Stop Signs Jerks! I think my name has a catchier ring to it don't you?

I decided blog hopping would be my best bet for finding inspiration. You guys in blogland never fail to amuse and inspire me. 

But before I go, here are some snapshots of those cherry curtains I made for my kitchen (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE): ((((PS: is it just me or has Blogger been especially sucky with the uploading of pics lately??)))) (((((PSS: Forgive my extremely low quality photo skills. Someday I will learn wield a camera!)))))

This last one I winged without a pattern - just your basic valance with an edging like the on pillowcases. Pretty much how I've been making all the curtains around the house so far. Easy peasy - just take the measurement of the width of your window & double it in fabric. 

And for anyone who cares, my seams are bitchin! Cleaaan & neat, no raw edges, everything folded & stitch or "French" seamed. Next project I will take crappy pictures of the insides too.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherry Curtains!

Well I did it. I officially turned 39 today. And guess what? I didn’t turn into a pumpkin or grow a wart on my nose. In fact, I'm happy to report it feels just like 29...but with 10 years experience. ;)

I was reading some blogs earlier & I’m suddenly fascinated with how other sew enthusiasts have their sewing rooms set up. Pretty cool! I’ve turned my dining room into my little sewista studio because it’s smack dab in the heart of the house. Even if I had my choice of one of the four bedrooms, I do believe I would still choose this very spot.

Sometimes on a Friday night I like to sort through my things, touch all the fabrics, flip thru craft magazines and fill my mind with ideas to sleep on. It helps me erase the week and get focused on what the hubs likes to call my “Anti-Sewcial Saturdays”.  (My guess is if the man knew just how quiet my motor mouth would become while sewing, he’d have bought me a machine years ago!)

Tomorrow (after breakfast out with my oldest son!!)  I’ve got plans to make kitchen window valances with the black/dot/cherry & the black/white gingham/cherry….I love these two fabrics, especially together! 

What I'm not so in love with is how Mr. Jones, ever the 80's hairband fan, feels the need to bust out in song with "Sheeee's my cherry pie..." whenever he see's it laying out. You think that will wear off once they are hanging? Gawd, I hope so. 

I also love this rose print which has no name but I found it super cheap at Hancock:

So feminine, the background is creamy colored, and although it's just cotton, it's very silky smooth. Not sure what to do with it since its just one yard. I wonder  if there is a book or website that shares 1-yard-only-ideas?

Have you tried Mary Ellen's Best Press? It’s the bestest. It gives fabric body without buildup or shine. It’s a little pricier than starch, but worth it. I've had it a few months and only use it sparingly, so it's lasting me longer than anticipated. I chose unscented. You can also get it in lavender, citrus, cherry blossom, & I think linen. Also purchased as Hancock:

 Sweet Dreams kids!

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

39 Things To Do In My 39th Year

So I’ve decided that since this 39 thing is happening despite my feelings about it then I may as well jump on board. Plus, I thought of another way to look at it: I’m pretty damn young when you consider I have an almost 20 year old son. Look, I’m no an advocate for having a child at 19 but I’m pretty positive my first born saved me from the kind of lifestyle that reality shows are famous for.

The following are 39 things I’d like to do in my 39th year. Some may seem a little silly to you but keep in mind they are meant to be attained in a years’ time by a full time working wife & mama. For the most part they are things that I usually talk myself out of for various reasons….

In no particular order:

1.       Learn to sew with something besides cotton
2.       Learn to sew a dress for myself
3.       Hand make Christmas gifts for friends
4.       Get on the Griffin at Busch Gardens
5.       Go to the Outerbanks of Carolina
6.       Host a dinner party
7.       Paint our bedroom
8.       Get a new tattoo
9.       Wear high heels more often
10.   Wear flip flops less often
11.   Buy myself some new Ugg boots in the fall
12.   Get a new exercise ball
13.   Learn some tummy control yoga moves
14.   Support a local charity with hand made items
15.   Sky-dive??? Hubby wants to. I’m not so sure.
16.   Participate in a craft show event
17.   See Josh Groban at the Norfolk Scope
18.   Fly home to California for a visit
19.   Visit Dollywood
20.   Take the Hampton Roads boat tour
21.   Re-pierce the top holes in my ears
22.   Get an adjustable dress form mannequin
23.   Get a new computer
24.   Get an iPod touch that is mine, all mine
25.   Make my cubicle at work a little more inspirational
26.   Get pretty new bedroom furniture after #7 is complete
27.   Go apple picking again at Carters Mountain in Charlottesville
28.   Can homemade apple butter
29.   Be a better blogger
30.   Finally take advantage of the Bath & Body Works coupons I keep getting
31.   Get new winter coat – whatever suits my fancy, not just what’s on the sale rack
32.   Update from a Blackberry to an Android
33.   Take a quilting class or workshop
34.   Host a giveaway on my blog
35.   Start collecting windchimes
36.   See if I can get my 3 boys to sit on Santa’s lap just one more time for a pic together (by then they will be 20, 17, & 11)
37.   Go to a fancy spa for a deep tissue massage
38.   Order lobster and see what all the rage is about – just don’t make me choose from the tank, I’ll cry
39.   Drop 20 pounds before turning 40!!!

This is my office chair:
It is ergonomically designed to relieve pressure on stress points in the body. 


It feels like I'm sitting on patio furniture all day



You know what I think? I think it needs a cover. Except I'm not quite sure where or how to begin with that particular task. 

Right now it's only redeeming feature is that I just saw Sheldon sitting in the exact same chair on an episode of Big Bang Theory. I heart Sheldon!

Even so. I'm still totally covering mine & adding a cushion just as soon as I figure something office appropriate out. Sorry Sheldy-luv. Mama's tush needs more cush. 

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

If You're Awesome & You Know It, Clap Your Hands

That’s what I always say! Well, actually this is my first time saying it but who’s counting? The point is, if you are awesome, start clapping & give yourself some credit.  

I’ve been working my way through an exorcism a reinvention and I’ve found incredible strength and inspiration in this poem - which I always thought was by Nelson Mandela but when googling for the sake of this post learned the real author might actually be Marianne Williamson:

Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God.

Your playing small 
Does not serve the world. 
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking 
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, 
As children do. 
We were born to make manifest 
The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; 
It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, 
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we're liberated from our own fear, 
Our presence automatically liberates others.

"Your playing small does not serve the world" ~ The entire poem is sheer genius but that line in particular just resonates. I just want to stick this to bathroom mirrors everywhere so everyone will read it....because I'm pretty sure everyone you ask will say they never tire of feeling its power everytime. 

I'm in a good place emotionally, creatively, spiritually, and employmentally (oh yeah, mama got her old job back!) and I just want to holler from the rooftop - err, make that the front porch, have you seen the roof on this place? 

Anyways, I'm not sure if its the fresh start or being around a ton of amazing people all day again or if its my impending birthday that gets the credit for my new groove - maybe its all three. All I know is I've never been this happy while being this broke - LOL, still waiting on that first paycheck to hit my account. Going from a weekly pay period to bi-weekly takes some adjusting when it wasn't planned for. 

But we're low key people, we find entertainment in playing together or even just being near each other while doing separate things. Like when he's on the couch watching a race or golf and I'm at my sewing machine madly working away on valances and curtains for almost every window in the house. I'm like a crazy person now that I can sew window treatments! Two bedrooms and the laundry down, two more bedrooms and the kitchen to go. I won't mess with my living room - I can't  quite top the gorgeous French Country Waverly thats in there at the moment, but I'm working on it. 

Eventually I'm hoping to land a dress form mannequin so I can try my hand at clothes for myself. I'm falling hard and fast in love with the retro 50's housewife dresses - I wonder if I can pull that off? I may be more Ethel than Lucy in the size department so I'll need an adjustable one, but hubby just says I've got more to love on. Awwww....

Wait - rewind! He wasn't supposed to say that, he was supposed to say I'm totally a Lucy. Maybe I'll just start calling him Fred. Or Ricky Retardo. 

I can't believe it, but in a couple of days I will be entering the last year of my 30's. 


I don't even want to say the number 39, it depresses me. 

I'm looking forward to 40 next year. 

40 sounds cool, I like it. 

But this 39 business is just weird. 

I'm not a girl, not yet menopausal. 

Hit it Britney!