Jumat, 06 April 2012

Instagram for Android

Love Love Love!

Do you use it? If so lemme know, would love to follow you. :)

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Celebrity Apprentice, Week 7

I missed the first hour of Celebrity Apprentice the other night because we were squeezing in a Redbox movie (Paranormal Activity 3) before it had to go back.

At first I was a little bummed that we missed Regis Philbin but then I found out that Debbie Gibson was fired & disappointment turned to relief. I had taken to calling her Debbie GoAwayson anyways. 

Ummm, so...hairdo aside, what the heck is wrong with Donald Trump?

The orange man had E-V-E-R-Y (evvverrreee) reason to fire Lou Ferrigno right in the palm of his hand and instead he fired Dee Snider. I don’t understand. I mean, so we didn’t see Mister Twister or whatever his name is doing anything exactly spectacular but at least nobody had to constantly spoon-feed his ego. Lou, on the other hand, is like The Incredible Baby. I'm still shaking my head. Big mistake, Donald. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now…

Ok, I don’t really have to go shopping. I just like using movie lines from Pretty Woman.

On the upside, Aubrey finally got put in her place, huh?

 High-five Arsenio Hall! Err’body punch the air and say wooot-woooot!

Normally I’m not a big fan of the whole yelling in someone’s face thing, but that Aubrey has no one to blame except herself. Even when she turned to Teresa Giudice for support she tried to weasel in a “haven’t I taught you so much”… that was nuts! And Teresa, oh Teresa. I know she claims to be “the opposite of slow” but I’m not certain she is using the word “opposite” correctly.  

By the way - Aubrey walking off? She comes back. According to Google she "went to church" to escape the people who knocked her off her pedestal negativity. The brat gave herself a time-out, whoopdy-doo.

Clay continues to impress me.

Penn seems to have retreated from the game ever since Clay verbally spanked him but I hope he finds his way back. He uses big words and I love me some big-word talkin’ folks.

Dayana needs to do something MORE.

Lisa needs to enroll in anger management.

And again, I am at a loss as to who else is on the show….

Senin, 02 April 2012

Maybe I Have Oppositional Defiance?

Saturday it rained. It was gloomy & grey & it rained. Alot.

Guess what I did?

I ran errands. Almost all day. In the rain. (Wearing flip flops.)

Sunday it looked like this:
Sorry my cell phone pics are less than stellar...

Guess what I did?

I stayed inside. Almost all day. And sewed. Admiring the sunshine from inside my window. Well, except for the morning jaunt above to snap a pic of the sparking water.

My life appears to be a pattern of irregularity.

On the upside ~ I was productive!

I made a curtain for one of the dormer windows upstairs. We live in an old Cape Cod so we have 3 dormer windows - one in each of the upstairs bedrooms & this one. No one ever really looks out this window because its to your back as you go up the stairs to the older boy's bedroom's. There is a small landing where you can stand but it's not exactly "accessible" unless you are a cat or use cat-like moves to shimmy over to it. The only people who will really ever see this awesome, amazing, fun window covering are my boys who live up there and their friends. And the two cats. Also? It already had a sheer panel. So really? I made this curtain just to keep from making my bedroom curtains

After scaring my husband into thinking I was going to fall off the tiny landing if I didn't "just hang the curtain & get down already" I felt very accomplished and inspired to finally get started on my bedroom curtains decorate some...

Baby Onsies??

For a kid that is not due to enter this world until JULY. 

This morning I woke up and the first thing I laid eyes on were our semi-nekkid windows. I yearned for another day off to finally get started - but who am I kidding? I was better off heading to work, where we finally learned our department has survived the takeover & we are safe! 

Dear Facebook Friends - sorry for this repeat of weekend events!