Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Orions Pillows

If you've ever wondered what to do with your kids tshirts that they've outgrown - yet don't want to toss out or give away because they hold memories- then look no further than here: ORIONS MAMA


Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Hiding Out

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry for my absence lately. I'm in a bit of a funk. Or maybe its a mood. A funky mood. Whatever it is, it's not fun.


Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009


Tag, I'm it! Deb over at My Life As Orions Mom has tagged me to make a list of 6 things I love & that make me happy. I can do that easy!

1. For sure, being a mom to 3 rad kids: G-Bunny™, AJ, and Max.
2. The hubbo! Life has not been easy, we've been dealt our fair share of blows, including the death of our baby girl Kaitlyn, but together we trudge thru.
3. Snapping random pics of people & places I love. They don't always turn out so great because I've got a cheapo digi-cam and I don't know the best programs to use cause I'm not a professional, but that's neither here nor there, cause I still love doing it.
4. CROCHETING! I sometimes start more than I finish, but I get there eventually. I just love making stuff from nothing but a hook & yarn.
5. My crazy ol' calico kitty's Uma and Suki. Uma is big & fat & bossy as all git out! She came across country with us when we moved from California in a little critter crate, and she is never gonna let me live that down. Suki is special. Like really special. Like dropped on her head 3 too many times special. She's mostly AJ's cat and she is skittish all day and all night, scared of her own shadow, and won't go outside for all the catnip in the world. Here she is...
And Uma (her Jedi cat name is Queen Umadallah, lol, cause we're sometimes Star Wars geeks like that) in her poncho that I made her that she totally DID NOT appreciate. Made her mad for weeks. 6. You all out there in blogland. I'm still stumbling along here trying to make this blog about more than just my ramblings & rants and I truly love to hop from blog to blog to see whats up with you. Nobody run off and leave your blogs, got it? I depend on you for smiles, inspiration, enlightenment, & craftiness.

AND NOW...I'm running around tagging:

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Questionable Behavior

In true copycat style, I am taking my lead this morning from something that I found over at Blaze N' Crochet...

1) What assumptions would a stranger make about you based on the books you read or have read?
That I'm all over the map...I have chick-lit mixed in with serious stuff & mysteries, crochet books & self-helpy stuff, and a truckload of magazines. I also do not organize my books by Title or Genre or Big to Small or Hardback/Softback. Nope, no Dewey Decimal here - I organize by color of cover. And it looks awesome, if I do say so myself. Your eyes just follow the color...

2)Do you like taking naps?

3)What's the worst thing you've ever done with your hair?Umm...crazy color & weird shaved areas under long lengths...I could have passed for the illegitimate love child of Cyndi Lauper and Simon LeBon. (Except I don't think they are old enough...)

4)If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

5)Do you own an object of sentimental value?
Yes, a few from previous generations...but the most meaningful is the tiny flower wreath, now dried obviously, that laid atop my baby daughter's casket.

6)Are you a night owl or a morning person?Night owl mostly. Except this morning, I was up early expecting to babysit but they cancelled...and to think I could've met up with the chicks at the coffee shop to crochet this AM. Oh well...it gave me time to clean & enjoy reading blogs while everyone else slept in.

7)If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab?
Alot of my pictures are online (thank you photobucket!) so I would grab clothes & pillows...sounds weird, but I think it must be so difficult in a tragedy to not at least have your own pillow when you lay down in a strange new place.

8)What is more important to you? Photographs, scrapbooks or journals?Photographs...even though most are online like I mentioned, some are not and they are precious.

9)If you saw someone commit a crime, what would you do?
Duh, call the cops. (Me too. I am sick of criminals.)

10)What songs do you sing in the shower?The Star Spangled Banner. And anything Fergie....Boom Boom Pow!

11)In what ways are you still effected by childhood problems? I am often still intimidated by father figure types. My dad was very strict and you did not question his authority at all - so even to this day I have to tell myself its okay to talk back.

12)If you could find out the truth about one thing, what would it be?If it's true that my father's first wife had a child with him and if I have a sibling out there. He was in the Army & she served him divorce papers, pregnant at the time but told him the child was not his & then disappeared. He never saw her again.

13)You are grateful for your body today because:Despite my weight gain, I am healthy & fully functioning. Well, besides my brain anyways.

14)How would you cope if you lost everything you own?How could I lose it, I keep it all in one place! LOL Sorry...okay seriously, whatever, life would go on as long as I have my family & cats.

15)What makes you laugh?My kids....they always make me smile, but they also make me belly laugh the hardest.

16)What makes you feel guilty?
Buying stuff just for me. I always think "Do I REALLY need this?" even when I really do...

17)Under what conditions would you approve of abortion?Wow, thats a heavy duty question. First off, I don't think its my place to approve or disapprove. I would certainly do my damndest to talk someone out of it because that life was created for a reason. That said, if I was unsuccessful in my talk, I would still show the person as much love as I could because I imagine there will be lots of torment & grief afterwards. I *HATE* that it is used as a method of birth control.

18)Were you ever in any school clubs (speech, drama, etc.)?Drama & Summer Stock Theater, ran on the Cross Country team

19)Describe a favorite childhood friend and something you did with her or him.Jennifer Culbertson. She was the first girl to move into our neighborhood & I finally had another girl to play with....and you know what we played? All the same stuff as the boys! Go figure. We stayed friends for years & years. I miss her.


Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

WINNER of SMJ Giveaway!!!!!!

It's TIME!!!

This is for all of you who entered

First of all, thank you to Dining Rooms Direct - home of some fabulous dining room furniture - for making this even possible!

In order to make sure each of you received all the entries you earned by either commenting, following, and/or blogging I have made more comments on your behalf to account for each entry. Does that make sense?

Basically, I followed Shana's lead - she made a seperate comment to account for each entry she earned, which for her was a total of 8. This, I have since learned, is a super smart way to enter a giveaway because it helps tally everything up fair & square.

If you commented & named an item you loved from the website you earned (one) 1 POINT.

If you became/already were a Follower you earned another (two) 2 POINTS.

If you blogged about my giveaway you earned another (five) 5 POINTS.

So...depending on how many entries you earned, I made sure there was a comment for each entry, which then created a comment number. Doing this makes it possible for me to use the super duper fair & totally random number picker to determine the WINNER.

Are ya pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? Moppin' what I'm spillin'? Seein' what I'm sayin'?

Sorry if I am being nerdy in my explanation, but it's my first time doing this and I just want to be all accurate & everything, for your benefit, k? K!

AND NOW...after much-ado by my wordy self...LET DO DIS'!

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 39
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Congrats Gloria - please email me your address so that I can provide it to Suzanne at Dining Rooms Direct - she will then mail you the Paula Deen Pie Bakeware!!! Please let us know when you get it & take pictures for us! I can't wait to see it!!!


Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Mama Needs Motif-vation

You know what I love about motifs? They are so easy to make in a short period of time. Perfect on-the-go projects because you aren't lugging around a heckuva lot. Also, they tend to be more intricate and appealing.

You know what I don't love about motifs? Attaching them all together. Even laying them out presents issues for me. Let's not even discuss all the weaving in of ends.

Are you this way too?

What do you do?

What motif-vates you to complete these projects pray-tell?
I've made stacks of these darling hot pink motifs and would rather pluck every single cat hair off every single square inch of my sofa than sit down and behave and put them together like a good crocheter.


Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Layout Commitment Issues, $imon, BAM!

Sorry for being such a maniac with the background today. I don't know why but I can't seem to decide how I really want this thing to look. I made my banner moi-self, then gave in & snagged the background. Even as I copied & pasted these very codes I had thoughts of doubt & dissatisfaction. Sometimes there is just no pleasin' me.

I promise I am not trying to be annoying on purpose. It just sort of comes naturally.


What in the world is up with Simon Cowell getting 45million...MILLION!!!!...dollars a year for the next 3 years? Just for being an ornery sharp toungued meanie big mouth on American Idol? Really?

This upsets me you guys, and I'll tell you why:
A. I don't think I can take 3 more years of AI.
B. I don't think I can take 3 more years of AI.
C. I don't think I can take 3 more years of AI.

Also? I'm not entirely convinced he's worth it.

You know who WOULD be worth it? Bam Margera.

OK, so maybe Bam's not exactly the perfect fit for American Idol but I had to find a way to bring him up because we saw him this past weekend in Virginia Beach.

Most people talk about having an inner child. Me, well I have an inner teenager and she's got an unexplainable schoolgirl crush on this skateboardin' fool from West Chester, PA.


My husband thinks I've fallen off my rocker a little harder than usual...and let me tell you he had no shame in his game selling me out to folks. Like the guy behind us in the tshirt line who had no idea who "this Bam-character" was, he was just there for his kiddo's. Do you think Mr. Jones could just smile & agree? NO! He fully embarrassed me to all within earshot by saying "Well we're here because MY WIFE wanted to come."

It's going to take me some time to get him back for that.

PS: Have you entered my giveaway?
Click here for details!


Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

First Ever SMJ Giveaway!!!!

Hey'Yall! (That's me in mah best Paula Deen voice...) I am in cahoots with Suzanne over at Dining Rooms Direct - home of fabulous dining room furniture - and together we are doing my first ever giveaway. As Miss Paula would say, it's so good it'll make ya wanna slap yer mama. (Just don't go slappin' Sweet Mama Jones!)

Paula Deen Pie Baker Giveaway
Sweet Mama Jones is hosting a giveaway for one lucky reader to win one of Paula Deen’s signature pie dishes from Dining Rooms Direct, an online source for dining room furniture and home accessories. One of the best treats to enjoy during the summer is a fresh piece of pie made from the delicious fruits that taste best during the warm season. Whether you prefer peach, strawberry, blackberry, or any other fresh summer fruit, you can be assured that your pie is going to taste fantastic!
A great way to make your next homemade pie even better is with Paula Deen’s Stoneware Pie Baker. This uniquely glazed stoneware baking pan is the perfect accessory to add to your kitchen for all of the summer parties you’re hosting this month. The durable construction of the 9” pan allows for it to be transferred from the oven to your table and leftovers can even be heated up in the microwave or stored in the fridge. Paula Deen’s Pie Baker is even dishwasher safe making for an easy cleanup at the end of a delicious dessert!
Here's how you enter to win:
1. Go to Dining Rooms Direct & take a peek at their website then come back here & leave a comment telling me about a dining room furniture item you fell in love with. This is a MUST DO kids, in order to get your first entry and gain all other entries.
2. Post about my giveaway & link back to me on your blog, get 5 entries! (Remember to come back & leave a link to it in my comments.)
3. Become a new follower on my blog, get 2 entries. (Already a follower? Remind me & you get the same!)
You gotta be IN IT TO WIN IT! So...are you in it???

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

My 1st Vlog, Wish Eddie Rabbitt Was Here!

That crazy Eddie Rabbitt, he sure did love him a Rainy Night, loved to hear the thunder, loved to watch the lightnin' when it lit up the sky...Yep, that cat, totally got into it. All he ever wanted was to feel the rain on his face & taste it on his lips. And he must have really meant it since he wrote a whole song about it.

Anyways kids, here is my attempt at a vlog of lightning. I missed the really good stuff, sorry about that! I didn't think to grab my camera until an earth-vibrating boom of thunder popped the idea into my knoggin...


Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

All Logic Out The Window

This is not something I ever intended to tell anyone about.

Perhaps it will be the start of a good thing...

Perhaps it will end as a cautionary tale...

What I am talking about is my weight and the heavy decision to start taking diet pills.

I started putting on the pounds a couple of years ago while working in a super stressful environment. Now to be fair, I wasn't skinny minny when I started but I also wasn't unhappy with my shape. Actually, it wasn't something I thought much about - as long as I could still put on a cute flowy dress I was a happy girl.

Half my life ago, in high school, I ran on the cross country team. The birth of my first son Gunnar brought on some curves but not weight. A few years later, after the birth of AJ, I remained slim, trim, and in a low single digit size. The stillbirth of Kaitlyn, consequential depression, then back to back pregnancy with Max packed on some extra pounds - yet not enough to sound any alarms. So even though Mister Jones tries to console me with "but you have had 4 children"...it doesn't help, because it's not the reason. And as much as I love me some starches and chocolate, that's not the reason either. I don't struggle with portion control.

I struggle with movement. Spending two years in a little grey cubicle, hiney glued to a chair, a phone to my ear, absorbing all varieties of stress and storing it into my body practically paralyzed me. Walks on the beach became less and less, in fact, walks anywhere (other than in a grocery store where I could lean on the shopping buggy for support) were non-existant. By the time I found the gumption to quit, pulled my self respect out of the trash bin and picked my soul up at the reception desk where I checked it everyday, I was over 30 pounds heavier. And those 30 pounds? They put me in the red on the BMI chart.

In the months since leaving the fish factory I have reclaimed my life and promised the girl in the mirror that I would shed those extra pounds even if it meant slicing it off. I started by going up and down the stairs in the house as many times as I could. I do weird little stretches that would probably make a yoga/pilates guru burst into a fit of giggles - but it gets my circulation going and softens the tension in my shoulders & neck. The point is, I try. I walk on the beach again. And while I will never fully say goodbye to candy bars or Starbucks Venti Caramel Frapps, I don't overload. Really!

Still....my weight stands strong and firm, defiant to budge. My jedi mind powers fail to lower the numbers on the scale. And so....hello diet pills.

I know thats bad. I know it may seem as though I am not being logical. I know that diet pills are meant to be dirrrty little secrets. I've spent hours online trying to determine which ones to buy, reading suspicious reviews that seem to be planted strategically, and wondering if I am crazy for even contemplating it. I'd even almost put the idea of taking diet pills away in the part of my brain labelled "Do Not Try This At Home" when I came acrossed another recent picture of me on my son's graduation day. I cried. And I am NOT that vain. I'm all for throwing my hair in a clip & trudging out & about in a house-dress with nary a cosmetic on my face. I'm (mostly) comfortable in my own skin. But I can't let the weight win, I adamantly refuse to go up in clothing size!! Plus y'all, I'm short, and the rounder I get the shorter I seem. Oompa Loompa anyone?

I bought the diet pills early this morning. I only took one, with a tall glass of water, waited the required 15 minutes and ate a Special K breakfast bar. So far, no weird side effects. In fact, I feel a little better than usual. I will to tell you what kind I bought but first I need you to know that I IN NO WAY want to be an advertisement for them. Good, bad, or ugly results - I am just here to chart my own experience. I bought the stuff that starts with Xena (as in Warrior Princess??) and the last 5 letters are the same as the stuff you take when you have "a headache THIS big". Sorry to be all mysterious about it, just don't want it popping up on some random search, you know? Anyhoo, you are smart cookies, I know you'll figure it out. =)

If they don't work, which my husband says they won't because he's especially supportive like that, GRRR, then well, he gets to be right. And if they do, then I will not have spent $26 on a snake oil remedy. Also, assuming they work, I will maybe lose enough to do a little Bootcamp, Billy Blanks style...cause right now those DVD's are nothin' but little dust collectors.

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009


Takin' care of Binnissssss


A couple of weeks ago I threw caution to the wind and entered into a cool contest over at Blaze N' Crochet...and I won! This awesome little set of baby blocks was the prize:

I am going to give them to my neice's youngest son Jonah:

Who, my dear friends, has a very severe case of chocho-holism...a kid after my own heart if ever there was. It is my highest of hopes that the blocks will entertain him so that he doesn't sneak into the kitchen & douse himself in Hershey's Syrup again. (Because I WANT to do that & last time he didn't leave me any.)

The blocks are exactly as promised, and you know, why wouldn't they be, except that somehow, if possible, they are even snazzier in person. Maybe because this is my first ever contest win. Unless you count the 4th grade talent show in which I tap danced my way into a blue ribbon. Ennneeeeways, I can't wait to see him with them in action, which I imagine will be this upcoming weekend.



Sarah over at Sarah's Sweet Hearts has chosen to give my little attempt at a blog a very nifty award. I'm stoked! This is the dealio:

The Rules:

1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.

2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.

3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.

4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit This Post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

Before you head on over to check out my picks, let me just clarify that a couple (all) of them might be all Sweet Mama Who IS She? You see, they are all blogs I've happened upon in my extensive innnernet travels that have held my interest or made me LOL for real or have crochet highlights or knock-yer-socks off recipes OR all of the above. I have maybe commented on them a time or two, but mostly I just stalk them from the shadows of my Dell computer screen, because I can. Scary huh?

The tricky part comes in telling them that I am passing this award on to them without giving them the heebie-jeebies...sorta like elementary school when you passed a note to the girl who wore a yellow ribbon in her hair everyday asking if she wanted to be your partner in a little double-dutch jump roping at recess and she replied "Ok, but what's your name again?" Everyone had that happen, right?

Summer In Melstone

Tomato Soup Cake


The Blue Crab Crochets At Midnight

Jill's Believe It Or Not
