Selasa, 01 September 2009

Endless Crochet Cardi Shawl

I fell in love with (& after sleeping on it for a night) purchased the Endless Crochet Cardi pattern by Jennifer Hansen.

Over on Crochetville they are having a class for this cardi...and per my usual wishy-washy-ness, I am utterly undecided. Take the class? Don't take the class? It's $30 bucks. I totally know all the benefits to taking the class - interaction with the designer, tips & tricks, CAL fellowship with the other hookers on the Ville, and so & so forth. And not exactly expensive. BUT (always a BIG but where I am concerned!) $30 right now when I have back to school happening? Yeah. I'm having a really hard time justifying that expense in my brain. The pattern was $7...and did I mention I also purchased her Floral Mini Poncho pattern, another $7? Plus there will be yarn involved. Caron Spa bamboo yarn. Not the highest priced stuff, but it'll add up. And it's all for me. So do you see my mama-dilemma?

The class doesn't start for another 2.5 weeks. They need a minimum of 15 hookers to sign up for this. So far, only 4 have kicked down the cash & put their name on the list. If it doesn't happen, they will refund the money. There isn't a limit on how many can maybe if I just hold out til the very last minute I will get a clearer idea of whether not it's even going to happen. BUT THEN, I hate being that person, you know? If we all went around waiting til the last minute, those chicks at the Ville might just give up on us and not want to put the effort into cool classes.

Help me.

Oh and if you can handle an annoyingly poor quality video then here is the designer, Jennifer, showing you just how awesome the shawl is...okay, so she's showing you the knit version, but we'll forgive her because the crochet one (while infinitely cooler IMO) works the same way....


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