Minggu, 19 Desember 2010


a hobby, by definition, is "an activity pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation". 

and you know what i think they should add to that definition? i think they should add that hobbies have healing powers unmatched by any modern medicine; with an ability to reach in and soothe the soul.

do you have a hobby? what is it? when did you discover it?

if you don't, you totally should. people without hobbies are scary as hell and you really don't want to be one of *them* do you? you know....the kind always running off at the mouth spewing garbage like "oh i don't have time to do that because i have to work all the time. i work, working is my hobby, i work work work, busy busy busy." 

i suppose they think they are a) one-upping me or b) patronizing me or even c) impressing me. but all i hear is "blah blah i suck. alot blah. i measure my self worth by how busy i am because i have nothing else in life to validate me and i have a need to make you feel less than so i can feel greater than. blah." 

ok, so maybe not everyone without a hobby sounds exactly like that, but i know you know the ones i am talking about. or am i the only magnet for this particular brand of idiot?

i crochet alot, not nearly as much as i would like, but a fair amount. i also bake and imagine becoming the keebler elf of bundt cakes. i read funny books and i spend time quality with girlfriends. i'm learning to sew and getting ready to start up my education again to achieve a 20 year old goal. and i don't know why, but there are people i know in life who like to poke at me for these various things. they say i am such a grandma with my little grandma hobbies. they say i must be bored to tears if these are things i choose to spend time doing. sometimes they say they wish they had time to pursue a hobby, if only they had "as much time". and you know what i wanna say? PISS OFF! 

i am a wife and a mom of THREE boys of various ages and stages. i have a full time job maintaining a family plus spend 40 ridiculous hours a week in an uninspiring little room doing a job as best i can. i am busy too. its not about finding time its about MAKING time.  

so there.


and even though i know i am just preachin to the choir here in blogland, that still felt really good to get off my chest dammit!

last year my grandmother died on december 1st. a month later on january 8th, her mother, my great-grandmother, died. the loss of these two women was devastating to me, and when i got around to getting out of my own head i realized just how truly devastating it was to my grandfather. he spent 60 years married to his sweetheart and the last 16 of those years he even had his mother-in-law under the same roof. then just like that, his home was down from 3 to 1 - and in the course of another months time, his home was completely emptied and he had moved 300 miles to live with my mom. can you imagine that? life & death play no favorites, that is for sure. 

fast forward about 8 months & gramps has realized he's ready to switch gears one more time. living with my mom was great but he felt like a burden - he totally wasn't but you know how old folks are. he'd been scouting out & researching veterans homes & found a new veterans retirement community down in the desert of california. don't let that idea conjure up depressing images of sad old soldiers sitting around telling war stories, waiting to die, because kids, its totally NOT like that. its a beautiful place with lots to do and he's all set up in his own little apartment, only a hop, skip, & a jump away from Vegas. also? its co-ed. not that gramps is ever gonna want a hook up for a booty call or anything! stop it! just means some of them are married couples and they have a well rounded atmosphere. 

since moving there on his 77th birthday this past september, gramps has joined the vets bowling league and he now bowls one night a week, just like he used to. he's also joined the vets billiards team and shoots pool in tournaments one night every week, just like he used to. he's also gotten into making clocks and bird feeders, un-like he's ever done. and with his new bad-ass wifi laptop my mom set him up with, he made me a christmas card that includes a picture of him jokingly sitting on santa's lap...wearing a santa hat. see:

this right here, is the healing power of HOBBIES in action.

he also sent me a present that i intend to open first on christmas morning...something tells me its HANDMADE!



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