Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

early to bed, early to rise....

....makes me yawn & stretch & time to come alive. (like Dolly!)

wow it feels crazy to be up this early without a perfectly good reason. i think the last time i purposely crawled out of bed and into the shower at 4:30 in the morning was when i worked for the trucking company back home & had to be there by 6. i was off by noon. that job was AWESOME. i think i loved every second of every day there, really & truly. the only reason i left was because we moved here.

i will never forget the look on my boss Butch's face when i gave my notice. he was a big tough guy, super clean cut, would put you in the mind of the guy who played THING on Fantastic Four ( pre-turned-to-stone-hulky dude of course!). and since he was a graduate of VMI, he knew exactly what i would be in for moving to Virginia.

"shellshock" is what he said. i didn't believe him. he spent 6 days trying to talk me out of it. after that he made peace with it and said if he couldn't stop us, then we had his blessing.

the big undercover sweetheart that he was made a few phone calls to a friend of his who worked for a sister company out here in a place called Portsmouth, told him i was headed this way & said he'd be a fool not to hire me. so the guy did. right there, over the phone one day. but i never took the job.

turns out, i was utterly and completely shellshocked. Butch was right. i called him to say as much and you know what? he never once muttered the words "i told you so". because awesome people don't do that shit.

i kicked and screamed and pitched a fit every week wanting to go home those first two years. eventually i settled in. or maybe i just got tired of fighting a losing battle.

but that restless feeling is back. Virginia is not our forever home. it's a lovely area in alot of places, but the people....well, i just can't figure them out.

~have an amazing day! peace out.

and ps: holy crap but that pic made my eyes well up with tears. that dude looks so much like Butch, makes me miss him all over again.

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