Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherry Curtains!

Well I did it. I officially turned 39 today. And guess what? I didn’t turn into a pumpkin or grow a wart on my nose. In fact, I'm happy to report it feels just like 29...but with 10 years experience. ;)

I was reading some blogs earlier & I’m suddenly fascinated with how other sew enthusiasts have their sewing rooms set up. Pretty cool! I’ve turned my dining room into my little sewista studio because it’s smack dab in the heart of the house. Even if I had my choice of one of the four bedrooms, I do believe I would still choose this very spot.

Sometimes on a Friday night I like to sort through my things, touch all the fabrics, flip thru craft magazines and fill my mind with ideas to sleep on. It helps me erase the week and get focused on what the hubs likes to call my “Anti-Sewcial Saturdays”.  (My guess is if the man knew just how quiet my motor mouth would become while sewing, he’d have bought me a machine years ago!)

Tomorrow (after breakfast out with my oldest son!!)  I’ve got plans to make kitchen window valances with the black/dot/cherry & the black/white gingham/cherry….I love these two fabrics, especially together! 

What I'm not so in love with is how Mr. Jones, ever the 80's hairband fan, feels the need to bust out in song with "Sheeee's my cherry pie..." whenever he see's it laying out. You think that will wear off once they are hanging? Gawd, I hope so. 

I also love this rose print which has no name but I found it super cheap at Hancock:

So feminine, the background is creamy colored, and although it's just cotton, it's very silky smooth. Not sure what to do with it since its just one yard. I wonder  if there is a book or website that shares 1-yard-only-ideas?

Have you tried Mary Ellen's Best Press? It’s the bestest. It gives fabric body without buildup or shine. It’s a little pricier than starch, but worth it. I've had it a few months and only use it sparingly, so it's lasting me longer than anticipated. I chose unscented. You can also get it in lavender, citrus, cherry blossom, & I think linen. Also purchased as Hancock:

 Sweet Dreams kids!

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