Hubs works the night shift, so last night after kissing him goodbye & sending him packin' to bring home the bacon, I got to work myself. I hauled out the yarns, made a nice & neat little pile of all the stuff I'm willing to unload, threw some pattern booklets in for good measure, had a photo-shoot, and somewhere just after mid-night...I put it on Ebay.
Do you ever feel sad and excited at the same time letting your stuff go? I know, its just yarn, guess I'm just being a dork. And its yarn I am finished with - its stuff leftover, skeins I bought too many of - or - like in the case of RH Kids, ick, its stuff I bought & then couldn't manage to even use. I do not like that stuff at all. I'm no yarn-snob, and there are some pretty cool RH yarns out there, but for some reason this kids yarn felt weird to me. I bought it with the intention of making the Spidey RR with it, but by round 7 or 8, it was just not making me happy. I put it in a bag & stashed it in the closet & replaced it with Wool Ease & Vanna's Choice. So why am I still a little bummed at getting rid of something I am not ever going to use? Someone else out there could have the inclination to use it for something really cool, right?
All in all, it turns out to be 36 skeins of yarn in the lot - mostly full or darn close to full. No bids as of yet, hopefully someone in Ebay-land will be willing to give it a good home. The cash will come in handy. Since I am staying home again, and since the class I was teaching is over, I don't have any income to spend like I was used to and I'm planning to use the loot from the lot to get some extra goodies for my little guys birthday party. So keep your fingers crossed for me friends! I hope I am not asking too much for it, and that I did the shipping charge thing right - after a few too many times of having to cover higher shipping costs I decided to go with the calculating feature. I am never certain of myself, lol!
Good by my loves...parting is such sweet sorrow...

Oh, if only all of life's worries were over yarn!Jeez Loueeeze!
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