1) What assumptions would a stranger make about you based on the books you read or have read?
That I'm all over the map...I have chick-lit mixed in with serious stuff & mysteries, crochet books & self-helpy stuff, and a truckload of magazines. I also do not organize my books by Title or Genre or Big to Small or Hardback/Softback. Nope, no Dewey Decimal here - I organize by color of cover. And it looks awesome, if I do say so myself. Your eyes just follow the color...
2)Do you like taking naps?
3)What's the worst thing you've ever done with your hair?Umm...crazy color & weird shaved areas under long lengths...I could have passed for the illegitimate love child of Cyndi Lauper and Simon LeBon. (Except I don't think they are old enough...)

4)If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
5)Do you own an object of sentimental value?
Yes, a few from previous generations...but the most meaningful is the tiny flower wreath, now dried obviously, that laid atop my baby daughter's casket.
6)Are you a night owl or a morning person?Night owl mostly. Except this morning, I was up early expecting to babysit but they cancelled...and to think I could've met up with the chicks at the coffee shop to crochet this AM. Oh well...it gave me time to clean & enjoy reading blogs while everyone else slept in.
7)If your house were on fire, what material possessions would you grab?
Alot of my pictures are online (thank you photobucket!) so I would grab clothes & pillows...sounds weird, but I think it must be so difficult in a tragedy to not at least have your own pillow when you lay down in a strange new place.
8)What is more important to you? Photographs, scrapbooks or journals?Photographs...even though most are online like I mentioned, some are not and they are precious.
9)If you saw someone commit a crime, what would you do?
Duh, call the cops. (Me too. I am sick of criminals.)
10)What songs do you sing in the shower?The Star Spangled Banner. And anything Fergie....Boom Boom Pow!
11)In what ways are you still effected by childhood problems? I am often still intimidated by father figure types. My dad was very strict and you did not question his authority at all - so even to this day I have to tell myself its okay to talk back.
12)If you could find out the truth about one thing, what would it be?If it's true that my father's first wife had a child with him and if I have a sibling out there. He was in the Army & she served him divorce papers, pregnant at the time but told him the child was not his & then disappeared. He never saw her again.
13)You are grateful for your body today because:Despite my weight gain, I am healthy & fully functioning. Well, besides my brain anyways.
14)How would you cope if you lost everything you own?How could I lose it, I keep it all in one place! LOL Sorry...okay seriously, whatever, life would go on as long as I have my family & cats.
15)What makes you laugh?My kids....they always make me smile, but they also make me belly laugh the hardest.
16)What makes you feel guilty?
Buying stuff just for me. I always think "Do I REALLY need this?" even when I really do...
17)Under what conditions would you approve of abortion?Wow, thats a heavy duty question. First off, I don't think its my place to approve or disapprove. I would certainly do my damndest to talk someone out of it because that life was created for a reason. That said, if I was unsuccessful in my talk, I would still show the person as much love as I could because I imagine there will be lots of torment & grief afterwards. I *HATE* that it is used as a method of birth control.
18)Were you ever in any school clubs (speech, drama, etc.)?Drama & Summer Stock Theater, ran on the Cross Country team
19)Describe a favorite childhood friend and something you did with her or him.Jennifer Culbertson. She was the first girl to move into our neighborhood & I finally had another girl to play with....and you know what we played? All the same stuff as the boys! Go figure. We stayed friends for years & years. I miss her.
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