You would think that my husband would be all over this husbandly duty. You would think. And you would be wrong. He's waiting for his day off on Friday to take it in for a diagnostic. Which is what he waited for last week, except that by that Friday it stopped misbehaving long enough for him to give it a whirl and tell me "it's fiiine".
Probably it's a sensor. I've been told that this particular model does not have well insulated sensors and living here on the coast makes it suseptable to rust issues. Awesome.
So while my husband goes merrily about his business and my car rusts to smithereens, I am driving G-Bunny's™ girlfriends truck. She left it with him while she is going to school in Turkey, near Istanbul. I don't know why in the world she did that since he is leaving within a couple of months (or less, please be less) for Air Force bootcamp. But, hey, the silliness of an 18 year has turned into my savior.
I just, you know, wish it was clean.
It hasn't been washed in months, and while Gunnar swears every other day he is washing it "on Friday" (what is with my men and this Friday business???) - he has yet to do so. It's not the dirt I mind so much as the windows with the painted, er, lovliness all over them.
This beautiful, sweet, intelligent girl:
Decided that her car was a blank canvas in need of this:

And this:

Oh, and this:

Praytell WHAT is whyle??? And do I do it? Hard? Do I really want to know?
So far Mother Nature has only seen fit to have her rain wash away the word "called" on the back window - because yes, you guess it, it originally said "Baby, I'm called a Thug". Why oh why didn't the rain wash away the rest? Is Mother Nature mad at me? Really? Again?
Yeah yeah - I know, I could just as easily pull up to the gas station and wash it all away myself. Or turn the hose on it. But I'd feel really bad if I did that. Cause like I said - she's gone to Turkey. My son's heart is tender right now, he's missing her something fierce. If I wash it away will I be washing away something that means something to him? Memories that aren't mine to erase? I still have notes from a boy that were passed to me during 10th grade detention (don't ask) - so can I really be so inconsiderate?
Mostly, its funny. But only until I pull up to a stop light next to someone who reads it (and probably knows what it means) and then looks at me like I am the culprit. Perhaps I should just blast some Jay-Z and roll with it???
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