A couple weeks ago, Miss Sarah of Sarah's SweetHearts made the cutest bonnet for her little girl and I fell head over heels for it. So she sent it to me as a suprise in the mail!!!(BTW, it's really called a Maid's Sweet Ruffle Cap)
I'm a sucker for handmade, homemade, sweet goodness!! Make's my heart melt.
I know it's not something a mama in this day and age can run around wearing and get away with, but you can if your stomping grounds are Colonial Williamsburg!
Everyone there wanders about in period clothing & it just makes me feel like I'm living in a Jane Austen book. Yes, yes, I know. Jane Austen stories are set in England, not on American soil. Still, thats just how it makes me feel.
I don't have all the right attire to go traipsing about just yet, but this bonnet totally inspires me to get my historical groove on. I need a petticoat and a big fluffy dress, like the kind the ones worn by Emma,Jane, Elizabeth, or maybe Fanny Price!
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