The thing about casseroles is...
they are a one pot wonder meal.
You've got your meats, your grains, your veggies.
The thing about casseroles is...
if you mess it up?
You are going to bed hungry. Or eating an Eggo waffle. Or Cool Whip off a spoon.
I'm not all that suprised I burned dinner because that's just the kind of Wednesday I've had.
It started when I woke up to the sound of a shower running at 7am. Wait, what? 7am? Uuugh...apparently alarm clocks work best when turned on.
Over sleeping means not getting in the shower first. I like getting the first shower.
Two strikes and my feet weren't even on the floor yet.
On the way to the office was a 2 mile long back up at the bridge tunnel. Nothing is more irritating that traffic at the bridge tunnel when you aren't even going that direction. Gosh! Why do they have to get in my way? I take it very personal. Strike 3. At least in baseball they would have had the decency to send me back to the dug out & hang my head in shame. But it's real life so I had to trudge on.
And then tonite when I got home, I practically kissed the front door - because surely nothing would go wrong now that the sun had set and I was back where I love to be.
But it did.
Because its the Wednesday from h.e.doublehockeysticks.
I burnt dinner.
My beautiful white corning ware dish now resembles a toasted marshmellow. There's a quarter inch of rice glued to the bottom, the pea's - which are never that visually appealing in the first place - look like rocks from the bottom of a fish tank, and the chicken breasts were pink underneath.
That's right. I burned dinner without even cooking it all the way.
Can you do that?
I am so afraid to look at the Julie/Julia book on my shelf right now. What if Meryl Streep's little face becomes animated and she starts talking and berating me in her Julia Childs voice? And then what if Martha Stewart on the next book cover over chimes in? And Paula Deen and Rachael Ray....I can't take it. Make the voices staaawp!!! (Excuse me while I have a Jan Brady in a puffy wig moment.)
I've finished my Cool Whip on a spoon so I'm going to bed now.
The guys with their iron stomachs can have frozen chimichangas.
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