I don't want to upset you, I really really really don't. Really.
And I totally understand that you are valuable & working hard to provide accurate information & being clicked on hundreds of times per minute by ansty-pantsy people like me.....but could you maybe see fit to stop toying with my emotions?
It's not every year that we get to enjoy a chunk of change back from Uncle Sam you know.
Just pick a date and stick with it, that's really all I ask. Unless of course you want to move the date up to an earlier time, like say, tomorrow morning - which is what was the "shall remain nameless" efile tax program originally promised.
Yeah, this bumping out business? It's unnerving. AND it's causing me to have an irregular heartbeat, irritable bowel, blurry vision, trouble blinking, and fingernail growth problems. Plus there's the whole matter of my big announcement that I can't make until the piper gets paid.
That's all.
Love you!
Mean it. =)
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