Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Diary Of A Blog Slacker

Dude, where's my mojo? I cannot for the life of me seem to get my fingers to do the talking for me these days.

While the move was a couple weeks ago, we're still not all the way unpacked. The boy's rooms are fine, the downstairs bathroom outfitted in new duds, the kitchen - meh, the living room is looking pretty with in all it's new furnitureness, but the dining room? Do I even want to mention the dining room? It's looking like a very special episode of Hoarders.

Boxes and bins and bags, oh my!

I really want to focus on it this weekend because its smack dab in the middle of the house - you must go thru it to get to the kitchen, laundry room, back door & porch. You must also go thru a corner of it to get to the rest of the joint. I mean house.

What's worse is I haven't even been for a morning walk on the beach yet. Sinful.

On the other hand, I have been crocheting little dabs of sweetness here & there. And I have a plan in the works to make up some coasters too. (Aim high I always say!) Just need some country red wool to match my new color scheme - which is all shades of brown, cocoa, & beige with red thrown in for sassyness.

Wanna see my new coffee table? It's almost like it was born to be a crocheters coffee table with those under the glass, pie shaped baskets huh?!!

True Love. Even if the quality of my photo is crap...but it's late and my phone battery light is flashing fiercely so I guess I'm lucky it even cooperated at all. Anyways, can you not just see it chock full of tangled skeins and half-completed projects? Remind me to take another pic in about 6 months, lol!

You can't really tell but its sitting on a clearance-priced-groovy-chocolate-colored-shag area rug. More love.

I mention "clearance priced" because I'm on a frugal roll and diggin' it.

Has anyone seen the price tags on throw pillows these days? Highway robbery! (And yet another reason to learn to sew in a jiffy.) My big red pillow? Its a standard bed pillow with a gorgeous red quilted sham from WallyWorld - half the price & twice the size of a ribbon rose pillow I fawned over at Pier One.
We're couch wallowing people, we will fight over this pillow I can promise you. Plus a sham is removable & washable. Very important details not to be taken for granted in a house full of guys.

Oh, and the scrolly satin & velvet side pillow that you can barely see because my photography skills are Blackberry is lame? Yeah, totally a Family Dollar steal at only $5bucks. Got two. Still less than half the price of aforementioned ribbon rose rip off at Pier One. Ok, maybe not so washable, but I've laid down the law and plan to infuse as much estrogen into the room as possible to keep them on their toes (and off my foo-foo stuff!).

Tssssssssssssssssss..............that's the sound of me putting my imaginary flaming finger out on my tushie. Sizzle!

Welp, thats about all I can muster for tonite...meeting at the school first thing in the AM before work, still trying to get Max some attention for his learning disability. Night kids!

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