Because I am a copy cat and because I'm sure you were all dying to know, here are my 25 things about me:
(Idea totally stolen from Airing My Dirty Laundry's blog earlier this week.)
1. My hair is naturally curlier than it has a right to be. We're talking a cross between Bernadette Peters and a Spanish Water Dog curly, not wildly sexy Julia-Roberts-a'la-Pretty Woman curly. I used to spend 30 minutes a day flat ironing it.
2. I will be 39 next month and I'm kind of freaking out about that. It's also why I don't want to spend 30 minutes on hair anymore.
3. The way to my heart is through a pedicure.
4. I adore high heels and sometimes I buy them but then I feel like a little girl playing dress up so I end up wearing flip flops instead.
5. I once drove all the way across the country from California to Virginia by way of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Tennessee pulling a U-Haul in a Suburban with 3 boys, my 89 year old great grandmother, and a cat. (Mr. Jones had flown out ahead of us to start working.) It took 7 days/6 nights. We all survived.
6. I am allergic to walnuts but not pecans. They give me blisters in and around my mouth & swell my throat. This is not something you want to see. Ever.
7. My newest favorite book is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
8. As a little girl my favorite book was On The Banks Of Plum Creek. For a time I believed myself to be the reincarnation of Laura Ingalls.
9. As a tween my favorite book was Jacob I Have Loved.
10. As a teen my favorite book was Flowers In The Attic. (And then all of the VC Andrews books ad nauseum.)
11. The other way to my heart is through strawberry a strawberry patch. I love to go berry picking & then eat them all gone.
12. Last month I got offended at the wild bunny rabbits who hop through our backyard because they didn't touch the head of cabbage I gave them for days. For. Days. "It's not poison you know!" I maybe cried to them from the kitchen window.
14. I have 4 tattoos, this always shocks people because only the one on my inner ankle is visible. It's a pink daisy with a red ladybug. I wonder if the butterfly above my belly button will look like a moth when I'm 85?
15. If we don't move back home to California, then someday I'd like to move to Nashville.
16. I am also allergic to stupid people.
17. If it were up to me, every meal would be either Mexican food or cereal.
18. In February I joined one of those bootcamp for women exercise classes. This can also be referred to as "the time I went insane". Susan Powter I am not.
19. My idea of a hot date is dinner & a stand-up comedy show.
20. I fully believe that since I am the only woman in the house I should never have to take out the trash.

22. My favorite SATC girl is Charlotte.
23. I traumatized my husband with information I found on That's an "in the near future" blog story. My own ancestry currently appears to be pretty damn boring; however I remain diligent in my quest to find a royalty link somewhere. It's got to be there. I can feel it.
24. The only game show I like is Jeopardy.
25. I love going to watch plays. In the theater, at a high school, musical or not.
Your turn?
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