Hopefully its PINK~ness and "girl bar" will keep it from being overtaken by the guys in my house.
My last yard sale beach cruiser was blue. It had a cupholder and a basket but neither thing made it "mom" enough to stop the boys from commandeering it. This one, though? Well, this one might just be left alone.
I have this silly habit of naming my vehicles. In my minivan days there was VANessa. Badass Betty was my Suburban. Our Santa Fe we called Tina. Like Tina Fey...get it? Now I have my gold car, Daisy, named for Driving Miss Daisy because it feels like an old ladies ride. I've never named a bicycle before, but again, in the interest of protecting it from getting taken over I have got to 'mom it up' as much as I can.
It's a toss up between Pinky Tuscadero ~ OR ~ Frenchie...decisions, decisions...

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