Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Hi Ho (Ho Hum) It's off to work I go...

Well THIS has been a brief stint as a stay at home mommy! Geez...and just when I was getting into the swing of things. But truthfully, it couldn't have happened at a better time...because have I mentioned we like to eat in our house?

I was hoping to find something more along the low-key lines, but a fast paced office gig is what it is. The good part - it's not a big corporate office with aging frat boys in ties running around all full of self importance. AND? I can wear flip flops. Still....*sigh*....I like being a SAHM.

I spent one more afternoon on the beach with Max and playing with's the start of a shruggy/shawl thing. I'm not loving the colors right now, but that has alot to do with the season. By fall I will be ready to wear something in golds & earthy jewel tones.
SIGH...although I will have plenty of time to keep doing this, I'm just a little sad that it won't be on a Tuesday afternoon again anytime soon.


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