Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Not Me Monday

Because all the cool bloggers are doing it...I am taking my cue from Blaze N' Crochet who is taking her cue from My Charming Kids and posting my very first:

Let's see,

I did not stand and cry and wave like a crazed woman at my son as his bus taking him to Parris Island drove out of sight and around a corner - which in turn did not totally embarrass him. Probably.

I did not forget to send said contact lense wearing son off to camp without packing his lense solution and a pair of extra contact's "just in case". (JEEZ!)

I did not blindly waste $3.99 on a stupid tabloid magazine just to read more crap about J&K+8. Because I would never do that. Not even if I was really bored waiting for my ginormous comforter to dry at the Soap N' Suds. Not me.

And I definitely did not cuss out my computer for taking 12 minutes to load 4 pictures. Hmmm, nope. Not me.

I am quite certain I did not do ALOT of things this week, I just can't remember all of my good deeds at the moment - thanks in part to a headache THIS BIG with Excedrin written all over it. (And all I have is Tylenol.)

Oh - and one for AJ who did not get a final grade of D in his English class (his native tongue that he speaks FLUENTLY!!!!) while passing Spanish (that he can barely pronounce correctly) with a B.


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