Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Dishrags Don't Have To Be Ugly

I didn't really make any "New Year's Resolutions" per say, but I did resolve to spend more time crocheting. For me, the simple act of unwinding a ball of yarn while hooking it into a whole other thing is satisfying, gratifying, and de-stress-ifying... 

So today, while lounging next to my sleeping hubbo (who has to go back to work tonight, sigh...), I grabbed a ball of cotton & decided to make some new dish scrubbies. Following an old potholder pattern from memory, I conjured up this lil' dress/slash/dishrag. If I were the type to dress up my bottles of Dawn (which I'm not) this would look cute (to very few people) except that it would need a neck hole. And I draw the line at dressing my soap. Here she sits in a cup & saucer that I washed just to try her out...useful little thing, isn't she?

Happy Hooking Kids!
PS: Thats not a ring at the top, I just wound a few strands around my fingers & SC'd over it...that way I can hang it from the soap dispenser on my sink & it won't dry stinky.

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