So here is a glimpse of a Neptune Festival gone by (07 I think cause 08 was rained out too, arg)...maybe next year the weather will cooperate:
Sabtu, 26 September 2009
Our Anniversary
So here is a glimpse of a Neptune Festival gone by (07 I think cause 08 was rained out too, arg)...maybe next year the weather will cooperate:
Senin, 21 September 2009
Beautiful Mess, The Story of Diamond Rio

Publisher Description says: "What made it possible for Diamond Rio to weather the storms inherent in the fickle world of fame and fortune and go more than two decades without a single lineup change? Any reader in search of transparency and a behind-the-scenes look into the life of the band as a unit as well as the individual lives of the players and singers will be well satisfied. Can true loyalty exist within the competitive, seemingly unforgiving music industry? In A Beautiful Mess, Marty Roe, Dan Truman, Jimmy Olander, Brian Prout, Gene Johnson, and Dana Williams each has an entire chapter devoted to his personal and professional life. A Beautiful Mess is a wild ride from the edge of disaster and a little-known secret to an ongoing heart-warming revival."
But you know what I think? Well I'm going to tell you anyways smartypants! I think while it's a nice story about a fabulous band, it's sort of a yawn. Yeah guys, I need to be honest here and tell you I found it a tad slow. Even so, its very sweet and humble and for those of you who love Marty, Dan, Jimmy, Brian, Gene, & Dana - you'll enjoy the fact that they each have their own chapter. The story begins during an uneasy time for the band, not so long ago, when the members needed to face their lead singer with the fact that his vocals were nowhere near what they should be for their caliber of celebrity. But they banded together (no pun intended!) and faced the issue as a family, which I find admirable. Especially when so many musicians out there seem to be eager to branch out as solo artists the minute the band gets noticed. (I'm talking to you Black Eyed Peas. But I still love you Fergie!)
I don't want to say the story of Diamond Rio felt contrived, but I did feel it was guarded, each detail carefully thought about before it was shared. Perhaps that is a good thing, but I didn't find myself fully engaged or riveted.

All in all, I give it 3 out of 5 stars, and I would recommend it only for the for the diehard country music lover in your life. Maybe paired with a CD, though, for good measure.
That's my review and I'm stickin' to it. ;)
What the guys lack in book writing skills, they make up for in abundance in the music studio:
Jumat, 18 September 2009
Friday Night Funk
This morning as I got ready for work I watched Good Morning America.
Over 12 hours later, I am still ticked off about one of the segments I saw on there.
It had to do with stimulus money for rural airports.
Disclaimer: Airports, even rural ones, need money to maintain safe travel stuff. Maybe even spruce up the place so that displaced travelers can be comfortable. I get that.
BUT 15 MILLION for a scattering of airports in various 'don't blink your eyes you'll miss it' Alaska towns? I am not hating on Alaska, my mom & step dad lived there for over 10 years & my brother still does. But really? One of the airports has TWO aircraft, TWO baggage handlers, and on the average, TWO passengers a day.
You're killin' me smalls!
Where the heLL did all that money come from? Cause we are talking 15M EACH, not total for all to share.
And why aren't they using more of it to FEED kids? Improve shelters? Orphanages? Stock food banks? You know what would be really cool is if all school lunches were FREE for every kid.
I am so aggravated.
Sorry to be a downer.
Kamis, 17 September 2009
Got my frown turned upside down
It's picture day at Max's school.
The picture info packets were sent home yesterday.
Go school for giving us 15 hours notice!!
Way to stir up mass parental hysteria.
You know I let out an "aw, man, this sucks" cause my little guy is still looking a teensy bit like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer....but I'll leave the profanity that slipped from my neighbors mouth to your imagination. This poor chick has twin daughters & a little boy to get gussied up on a moments notice. And cut a check for the cost.
Luckily, it's only the 3rd week of school so those fresh haircuts should still be pretty much intact. Even so, I added this line to my prayers last night:
"Lord, Please protect the tresses of all the little children whose mothers may be tempted to whip out scrapbooking scissors for a little trim. And may forgiveness come swiftly to the child's heart who shows up tomorrow with scalloped edged bangs. Amen."
So, question. Why are school pictures such a source of stress?
I know I can't be in the minority when I say I completely hated them as a kid. I was never the girl with the perfect pig-tails. For 3 solid years I had Summer Teeth (some are over here, some are over there, ignore the spit coming from the gap in the middle). We always got, like, a months notice, which is the downside to too much notice - because with that kind of time frame, one of two things always happened:
1) You forgot & showed up at school in mismatched Garanimals (elephant pants/giraffe turtleneck), questionable hair, and a koolaide mustache.
2) Your mom went on the hunt for matchy-matchy outfits for you & your brother, got borderline OCD with hot curlers, which burned your scalp, gave you a headache and made you squint for the camera...forever immortalizing you as a dork. You know you look ridiculous when your pictures come back and the only nice comment even your grandmother can make is "oh what a darling pinafore". Umm, yeah.

Oh, Sorry.
But its all good now, cause I grew up to be a winner! Yup, I sure did. Just look here to see the awesomeness that I won:
It even makes the woes of "picture day's past" all better.
I promise when I get a new printer/scanner I am totally showing you that picture, cause #2 is for real. And when you see it? You'll want my moms address so you can send her severely worded letters on the eternal damage she did to my psyche. And I will give it to you.
Selasa, 15 September 2009
Dear Friends, Please Send Carmex...
Because my child ~ my dear, sweet, under the weather with allergies child ~ has chapped his face from the tip of his lip to his little snot-filled nostrils. His strategy of rubbing his nose with his sleeve and then licking his lip (ew!) has left him red & raw. And slightly unflattering to look at.

But only slightly, because as you probably guessed, he is the most gorgeous kid you ever laid eyes upon. Thats coming from an unbiased mom right there.
I've got him sauced up with Benedryl, rented the new release X-Men Origins: Wolverine for his viewing pleasure

Sabtu, 12 September 2009
Last weekend I shared that I came across The Pink Slipper Project - a project in place to provide women & children in shelters with a pair of hand made slippers. If you really give it some thought, thats pretty awesome. When these women & kids find themselves having to live in a shelter, for whatever heartbreaking reason, it's nice to think they can slip a little something on their feet and know that out there in the world are people who do care - people who cared enough to make something for them by hand, love oozing all over it.
Sarahs Sweethearts has joined in...and you know that means something fabulous is about to happen! She'll work up something magical, I just know.
Even if you don't think making a pair of slippers is up your alley, do yourself a favor and at least go take a peek at their website. They've been posting lots of pics of the rag slippers coming in & its encouraging to see, it'll make you smile - and you know you want to smile!
Now listen to this (how warped am I??) After a week of dreadful blah rainy weather, today is absolutely beeeutiful. There is this event going on over at the waterfront called Bay Days and there will be booths set up for meandering thru, tall ships parked (parked?) at the docks for folks to climb aboard, carnival food (hello corndog, i love you!), music...all around stuff to do. We've also been invited to a beach house for a BBQ with friends. We live across the street from the beach...but these folks are in one of those delicious right on the beach beach houses. And you know what? I kinda want to stay home and clean and crochet. What brand of weird is that?? I totally won't. We are getting out of here in a little bit and enjoy what's out there to enjoy because if we don't, we will regret it when its over.
Rabu, 09 September 2009
Can I get an Urban Dictionary Please?

You would think that my husband would be all over this husbandly duty. You would think. And you would be wrong. He's waiting for his day off on Friday to take it in for a diagnostic. Which is what he waited for last week, except that by that Friday it stopped misbehaving long enough for him to give it a whirl and tell me "it's fiiine".
Probably it's a sensor. I've been told that this particular model does not have well insulated sensors and living here on the coast makes it suseptable to rust issues. Awesome.
So while my husband goes merrily about his business and my car rusts to smithereens, I am driving G-Bunny's™ girlfriends truck. She left it with him while she is going to school in Turkey, near Istanbul. I don't know why in the world she did that since he is leaving within a couple of months (or less, please be less) for Air Force bootcamp. But, hey, the silliness of an 18 year has turned into my savior.
I just, you know, wish it was clean.
It hasn't been washed in months, and while Gunnar swears every other day he is washing it "on Friday" (what is with my men and this Friday business???) - he has yet to do so. It's not the dirt I mind so much as the windows with the painted, er, lovliness all over them.
This beautiful, sweet, intelligent girl:
Decided that her car was a blank canvas in need of this:

And this:

Oh, and this:

Praytell WHAT is whyle??? And do I do it? Hard? Do I really want to know?
So far Mother Nature has only seen fit to have her rain wash away the word "called" on the back window - because yes, you guess it, it originally said "Baby, I'm called a Thug". Why oh why didn't the rain wash away the rest? Is Mother Nature mad at me? Really? Again?
Yeah yeah - I know, I could just as easily pull up to the gas station and wash it all away myself. Or turn the hose on it. But I'd feel really bad if I did that. Cause like I said - she's gone to Turkey. My son's heart is tender right now, he's missing her something fierce. If I wash it away will I be washing away something that means something to him? Memories that aren't mine to erase? I still have notes from a boy that were passed to me during 10th grade detention (don't ask) - so can I really be so inconsiderate?
Mostly, its funny. But only until I pull up to a stop light next to someone who reads it (and probably knows what it means) and then looks at me like I am the culprit. Perhaps I should just blast some Jay-Z and roll with it???
Senin, 07 September 2009
Labor Day & The Pink Slipper Project
How about spending your Labor Day laboring with love over a pair of pink slippers? Maybe you've already heard of the Pink Slipper Project, but I just found out about it today and I couldn't wait to share. I'm in love with the rag slipper pattern they provide, but since I am way more adept with a hook and yarn, I'm planning to put my pink fiber to good use today.
Learn more about The Pink Slipper Project
Rabu, 02 September 2009
Granny Gloves
Selasa, 01 September 2009
Endless Crochet Cardi Shawl
Over on Crochetville they are having a class for this cardi...and per my usual wishy-washy-ness, I am utterly undecided. Take the class? Don't take the class? It's $30 bucks. I totally know all the benefits to taking the class - interaction with the designer, tips & tricks, CAL fellowship with the other hookers on the Ville, and so & so forth. And not exactly expensive. BUT (always a BIG but where I am concerned!) $30 right now when I have back to school happening? Yeah. I'm having a really hard time justifying that expense in my brain. The pattern was $7...and did I mention I also purchased her Floral Mini Poncho pattern, another $7? Plus there will be yarn involved. Caron Spa bamboo yarn. Not the highest priced stuff, but it'll add up. And it's all for me. So do you see my mama-dilemma?
The class doesn't start for another 2.5 weeks. They need a minimum of 15 hookers to sign up for this. So far, only 4 have kicked down the cash & put their name on the list. If it doesn't happen, they will refund the money. There isn't a limit on how many can maybe if I just hold out til the very last minute I will get a clearer idea of whether not it's even going to happen. BUT THEN, I hate being that person, you know? If we all went around waiting til the last minute, those chicks at the Ville might just give up on us and not want to put the effort into cool classes.
Help me.
Oh and if you can handle an annoyingly poor quality video then here is the designer, Jennifer, showing you just how awesome the shawl is...okay, so she's showing you the knit version, but we'll forgive her because the crochet one (while infinitely cooler IMO) works the same way....