A few months ago I decided it was high time to sell my gorgeous beautiful massage table. In California I am a certified deep tissue massage therapist. In Virginia, I'm diddly squat and not allowed to practice legally unless I go thru the education process here. I checked it out - pricey and severely lacking in ACTUAL education. It's silly by the book stuff with so-so teachers. Not worth it at all.
The school I went to in CA is owned and operated by a massage guru. And I do mean guru. He has been working with high profile clients since the late 70's. He has an amazing variety of training - goes to China every year for a month long thingamajig where he studies healing techniques and actually lives with the monks. He's travelled far and wide and is just really stinkin' cool. Going from that to a clinical type place to get a really expensive piece of paper so I can practice on tourists in some high priced hotel in Virginia Beach just isn't my cup of tea.
Which leads me to finally selling my really awesome reiki massage table. I got random, non-committal emails from phantom people who never materialized on Craigslist. So I put it on Ebay - where someone scooped it up in less than a day. The hitch? They wanted me to ship it THEIR way. OK, fine, whatever. But their way turned out to be the really ridiculous way. I was on a wild goose chase to the post office, the UPS store, the Fed Ex terminal. They swear that on the internet the price should have been X amount, but when I was told a different story by real live people to my face. After 3 days of stressing, I refunded these people their money. They weren't happy, but they dealt with it in a fair manner and the lady emailed me back to say she found something comparable on Amazon. Oh - I am forgetting to say these people live in OREGON. Can we get much farther from Virginia??
So it's day 3 of the refund still in "processing mode". On Monday the lady called me to say she see's the refund I issued but they haven't actually put it in her account. I called PayPal, spoke to someone who sounded like they were in downtown Bahrain. She said it takes 3-5 days and to chill. Ok, she didn't say to chill, but thats the general message. Today I get a really snarky email from ex-buyer wanting her refund TODAY RIGHT NOW OR I WILL FLY TO VA AND BEAT YOU UP. I called PayPal again and after waiting on ignore for 17 minutes I was connected to a dude, probably somewhere in Egypt. I'm guessing. Guess what fun little screw up they have going on? They are trying to debit a bank account that I dis-associated with my PayPal a week ago! I have since added and confirmed my other account, but no, they can't be easy and take it from there. And I still have these people's money in my PayPal balance, but no, they can't take it from there either. WHY? Because my funding source was still listed as the old Visa card attached to the old bank account. WTF? They have 2 completely logical and valid ways to access the money, but they claim they cannot cancel this transaction until the 3 more days after the 2nd attempt and the bank says the account has been closed. One more time kids, WTF???
SO, I have a new plan of action to keep myself from becoming the victim of violence. I made sure that I asked if they would IN FACT cancel after the 2nd failed attempt and he assured me they would...so I am going to just pay these people as though I bought something from them. But in doing so I need to OVERPAY them because PayPal is going to take their cut and that would short these folks their full amount and I can't sleep knowing that. It's just an extra few bucks, but I tell you its not the money its the hassle. I cannot believe that as awesome as PayPal is they don't have the ability to cancel transactions or switch funding sources.
Really, I suppose I only have myself to blame. I deleted the account, assuming that would also delete that Visa as a funding source - but that whole schpeel about what ASSUMING really means? Totally true. Myth busted. Yep.
So I suck.
But you know who doesn't suck? My kid G-Bunny™. This dude scored an 88 on the ASVAB today. Thats a super-duper-score! It opens up alot of doors as to what he can do in the Air Force and I am really proud of the young man he has become and continues to evolve into. The next highest score in the crowd there today was a 76. Oh yeah, I'm bragging.
PS: I have since sold it to a local dude who is a reiki master and he is pure gold. He has a big house where the table will have its own room so it can stay set up and he can do reiki healings on his wife who suffers from asthma. I almost cried for an inanimate object.
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