Let's see,
I did not stand and cry and wave like a crazed woman at my son as his bus taking him to Parris Island drove out of sight and around a corner - which in turn did not totally embarrass him. Probably.
I did not forget to send said contact lense wearing son off to camp without packing his lense solution and a pair of extra contact's "just in case". (JEEZ!)
I did not blindly waste $3.99 on a stupid tabloid magazine just to read more crap about J&K+8. Because I would never do that. Not even if I was really bored waiting for my ginormous comforter to dry at the Soap N' Suds. Not me.
And I definitely did not cuss out my computer for taking 12 minutes to load 4 pictures. Hmmm, nope. Not me.
I am quite certain I did not do ALOT of things this week, I just can't remember all of my good deeds at the moment - thanks in part to a headache THIS BIG with Excedrin written all over it. (And all I have is Tylenol.)
Oh - and one for AJ who did not get a final grade of D in his English class (his native tongue that he speaks FLUENTLY!!!!) while passing Spanish (that he can barely pronounce correctly) with a B.
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