When it comes to Mom of the Year? I am totally Susan Lucci.
Why this time?
Because I have blabbered on and on (and on and on and on) about G-Bunny™. I have flashed pics of my youngest Max striking poses in a sleeping mask. I have shared about my baby girl Kaitlyn. But have I told you about my super-uber-cool middle son Jan, I mean AJ?
I love all my kids equally, but in different ways, if that makes any kind of sense at all. They are different people with different dispositions - and while each one came from my womb, I am pretty sure each one redecorated to suit their own fancy while they were. I'm just saying.
Gunnar is my firstborn, charged with meeting and exceeding all of my irrationally HIGH expections (and doing well at it).
Kaitlyn is my angel, watching over us from her fluffy cloud in Heaven, and waiting patiently for us to arrive when our times come.
Max is my wild child, the "baby" who has been catered to every day of his life - he followed Kaitlyn and so you can imagine how he has been doted upon. He flashes his toothy grin and gets away with murder.
But up there between Gunnar and Kaitlyn is my kid AJ, my rock, my comedian - faster than a speeding bullet with the snappy comebacks, just call him Superman. He's got the hairline curl to prove it too! He has also been called my favorite by a certain older brother, but I don't play favorites.
Probably its that he too has gotten away with way more than he should have - and I would say blame it on those big brown eyes. He's the only one of my boys with dark pools of chocolate for eyeballs - all puppy dog and innocent looking.
AJ and I mesh, he can read my moods and finish my sentences. He's 14 and he still likes me. What more can a mom ask for?
Next week he is headed to Parris Island, South Carolina for a summer bootcamp thing for kids in ROTC. He's totally stoked and I am totally scared!
Here I was, cruising along thinking how cool is this that he is going to participate in a summer camp thing because he loves his Marines Junior ROTC thing - and then I YouTube'd it. HELLO! Some short chick in camo with her bun pulled too tight was SCREAMING at the poor kids! Did I say screaming? She. Was. Screaming. Somebody hand that woman a tall, cold glass of shut-up-juice!
Mostly it looks like hard work - but when I showed him he was all smiles and ready to rock n' roll. This is where the boy and I part ways in opinion - cause uh, NOT ME! I went to regular summer camp where it was all basket weaving and Kumbaya singing and I thought the day hikes were hard labor of the chain gang variety!
Honestly? I think there's a big sweetness factor playing out here. The fact that he is going to a "real" bootcamp facility - although he is doing the kid thing - before his big brother goes off to Air Force bootcamp in San Antonio score's him some major "I did it first" points.
Sibling rivalry is a beast, yo. ;)
Anytime a little brother can one-up a big brother it becomes story fodder for generations to come.
So here he is, my Jan Brady...

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