My oldest son, Gunnar Cole (aka G-Bunny™), trying on his cap & gown. He graduates high school this coming Saturday! Can you believe it, because I can't. Last night I was going through pictures and I got lost in the memories. Some of them seem forever ago, some of them seem like yesterday, and some of them - WILL GET BLOWN UP AND FRAMED JUST TO PROVE I WAS ONCE SKINNY! ;) Silly me, I'm kidding of course, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't relish the thought that I (once upon a time) rocked a girlish figure.
But back to the kid....So last week we sat in the recruiters office, getting the lo-down on ASVAB scores and heading out to the MEPS station for a physical...and that Staff Sargeant had the audacity to call my kid Rambo! Rambo?! Yeah. Can I just say that was NOT music to my ears? It was more like exploding grenades - resonating and freaking me out on the inside. But I stayed calm, cool, and collected on the outside. Seventeen years, 11 months, and 1 day of mad Mommy Skills workin' overtime right there. PssshhhhTsssss (sound of me putting out imaginary flame on my tush).
Yes, my boy wants to be in the Air Force Spec Ops, like my step-brother, but I personally think this is his ego talking. He's a good clean kid, never been in any trouble, a genius (just ask him), and will succeed at whatever he chooses - but I think once he gets a taste of bootcamp and Spec Ops training, he will, um, reconsider, his options. He has the brains and the brawn to make it, but his heart and conscience are not the likes of Rambo. If you've ever seen the movie "The Rock" with Shorrn Cornnery and Nicholas Cage - well then let me just say my kid is Stanley Goodspeed - the smartsy-fartsy unlikely hero.
I can't believe that he will be 18 in less than a month. He is barely younger than I was when I had him - a 19 year old girl with her head in the clouds and a baby in her arms. But we made it, he and I, and in some ways, we grew up together.
He might be 6'1 - but I'm still the Mama! (Even if I do have to go to the top of the stairs and look down to boss him!)

But wait! There's more, lol...but couldn't resist that deep-seeded Mama urge to show her baby pics. (Yes, I do know that he is not a baby anymore, but it's always safest to just amuse the crazy lady, ok?).

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