What the...???
What I see here is a sassy ol' Texan gal with an attitude and probably a brass bra. Was she breaking the law? Well, yes, she was caught speeding 15 miles an hour over the legal limit in a work zone. This broad may even prove to be the inspiration behind Hallmark's Maxine, but tazing her? Seriously?
I suppose using a little 'charm psychology' never crossed Rosco P. Coltrain's mind?
Here's a little hint for ya Rosco - things would have run a whole lot smoother had you simply poured a little honey on the situation. You didn't have to pull the tazer trigger just because she double dawg dared you to. And why'd you let her get out of the truck anyways? Was she drunk? Have dead bodies in the pickup bed? Suspected of smuggling Bo & Luke Duke out of Hazard County and into Texas to sell Uncle Jesse's moonshine because time's are tough and Cousin Daisy's tips down at the Boars Nest just ain't what they used to be?
Work on your approach buddy. Next time you pull over an old lady with a lead foot, ask her where the fire is. Or if there's a coffee pot sale at Sears that you're missing out on. Or something funny that makes her admit to the fact that she is speeding so you can write your precious ticket and meet your daily quota. I didn't go to police man school and even I know what works. To be fair, I respect what you do. Admire it even. But under that uniform you are a man who crossed a line - and you clearly have unresolved mother issues.
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