Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

6th Picture in the 6th Folder

Zu tagged me for a little photo fun, so here goes!

These are the rules:

1) Go to your photo folders
2) Select the sixth file folder
3) Open it and select the sixth photo in that file folder
4) Write a story for that picture, post it and
5) Select five bloggy friends to tag
6) Be sure to let them know they've been tagged

Here's my pic:
WOW - well thats certainly random! You can't even tell what's going on....maybe it would help to show you the picture that happened right before that:

OK - now that's better. It's AJ and that was taken in 2006, we had been in VA for less than a year and I was homeschooling him at the time so that's why he was the only kid there. It was, um, recess, or better yet - PE class! A friend of ours often let the kids and I come use their wonderful pool on weekday afternoons while they were working. That particular year the jellyfish at the beach here were HORRID, so we loved and appreciated their generosity.

I am passing this challenge on to:

Brianna of The Hook Nook

Beth of Be Careful What You Wish For

Sarah of Sarah's Sweet Hearts

Mountain Mama

Shana of Blaze N' Crochet


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