We got one of those "middle of the night bad news" phone calls last weekend that comlpetely upended our world. My brother in law, Billy, passed away. It was so sudden, so unexpected...a sucker punch.
Billy had been living with us for a few months, my kids' favorite uncle, and had only just left for PA on June 29th for a job up in King of Prussia, PA. He worked for a company that travels the country doing liquidation sales for furniture stores when they go bankrupt - he had been waiting for one to come up on the East Coast again so he wouldn't be so far from us.
The autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a brain hemmorage on the medula (brain stem?)...could happen to anyone, anytime...and when it does, you are gone in 30 seconds. It seems the only comfort to be found is in the fact that he went quickly and peacefully, without pain.
Death of a loved one is never easy...as a sister in law, I am heartbroken...but the real pain comes when I look at my boys. My boys loved this man so much, you couldn't keep them out of his hip pocket. He took them on bike rides every day after work, he was always up for a day on the beach, he was Gunnar's confidant, AJ's best friend & wing man, and Max's partner in crime when it came to eating dessert before dinner. When I see them cry I can hardly keep myself together. I pray for words of wisdom and comfort to offer them but they don't want a bandaid for the pain, they want their "U.B." as they called him.
There is so much I want to say about Billy, he was one of those rare souls who laughed and made friends easily wherever he went, but my fingers on the keyboard can't keep up with the thoughts in my head. Maybe another time...but for now I'm just not able to ramble out much more than this.
Uncle Billy is this guy...in an older post of mine...
This is Billy's last picture, taken by him on his cell phone June 27th of him with Max & my hubby (in background) - one last romp on the beach before he headed to PA...and Heaven.
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