That's what this little coat is made of!

Isn't it adorable? It's in the new issue of Crochet! September 2009 - that came in today's mail MUCH to my suprise. I was pretty sure that my subscription had run out, but I guess not. I love these little suprises in the mail. They rank right up there with banana splits! Yummmeeee...
I'm super tempted to give this a go...except that would garner some really weird stares from my gang. Well, weirder than usual anyways. I live here in the "House O' Testosterone" - so until the day comes that one of my boys provides me with a granddaughter (a looong time from now, thankyouverymuch) I really don't have any justification for making such fabulous frocks. What a pity...I already have half the CSS yarn in those very colors in my stash.
Maybe I could blame it on Field of Dreams? Claim James Earl Jones spoke to me in a dream? "Crochet it and she will come"....what? It could happen. Happened to that guy in Iowa, right? Besides, I'm bound to find a little girl to gift it to sooner or later.
Oooh, speaking of movies...I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic last night. I managed to get the kitchen clean, send the hubby off to work, have Max tucked into bed and the teenagers accounted for all before the bewitching hour of 9pm. After the harrowing week we have had, it felt like an accomplishment. I rewarded myself by popping in a DVD and crawling beneath the sheets early. If only chocolate had been involved I could give the evening 5 bright sparkly stars.
When we first moved to VA and I knew not a soul, nor how to wield a crochet hook, I read alot. A.L.O.T. I saw the local librarian more than I saw my own hubs. During that time I was a little depressed, missing California and our life there so the only thing I could manage to read with any interest was fun, funky chick-lit books. They made me laugh out loud and that was just the medicine I needed some days. It was during this kick that I read the entire Shopaholic series. I was tickled pink when I found out they would be making a movie - and yes, I know movies are never as good as the books - but I still thought it would make for a funny film. And it did. But it was SO NOT the book!
Hello? Becky Bloomwood is NOT American! I could go on with a litany of things that didn't line up...but at the end of the day? It doesn't matter. It's a cute book. It's a cute movie. Both made me laugh. The book will not win any literary awards. The movie will not even have the "honor of just being nominated" at the Oscars. So who cares. I liked it.
It took me out of my fog and let me forget the cloud of grief hanging over us right now. It lifted me up and made me smile. Therefor? It rawked.
The other book-come-movie I've been hankering to see is My Sisters Keeper. I love Jodi Picoult's style and her topics are Deep. Touching. Intense. Provocative. But I don't know if I can bring myself to go there right now.
I'm rambling aren't I? Yeah. I am. I guess it's my little way of keeping myself company. :)
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