All morning I purposely bounced up and down the stairs, sang into spatula's in between pancake flips, and broke out all my best Fergie moves with my imaginary Will.I.Am.
Cause' I'm Mamalishussss like that.
The children looked away....something about wanting to digest their food, not regurgitate it.
Whatever. Perhaps I am a chicken. Who jacks style. And copies swagger. So what if I do?
In other news...I just decided to switch to Gmail. Today. In honor of my country (or something like that).
I didn't realize it was so much more interactive, especially with the blog world, which is purty cool. I think my favoritest part is that I get to be Sweet Mama Jones. Yay me! If you wanna pop in and say hi you can now email me from my profile page. I think it'll be fun for chit chatting & sharing behind the scenes.
But first? It's off to a holiday barbeque at my sister in laws house. There were supposed to be fireworks on the beach tonight, but as per usual this time of year on the mid-Atlantic coast, there's a thunderstorm brewing, so I think they've been postponed. Bummer! But they make up for it just as soon as they can. Last year it was a day late due to weather but it was like one big, long, glorious, sparkling grande finale...they know how to make up for it in style.
I hope you all have a fun, fabulous, and safe July 4th holiday! Eat well and make memories!

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