The first time it happened was with Flowers In The Attic. Where I come from, you can't actually complete the puberty process without a VC Andrews book or two. Or all of them in print at the time if you were me. I suspect you are saying to yourself "uh, why?" cause they are all very much the same and only the names change. I'll tell you - the truth of the matter is I was a very sheltered child. My parents wouldn't even let me read about those perfect blonde twins in the Sweet Valley High series. Something about being too focused on boyfriends and high school cliques. It didn't matter much, I wasn't all that interested anyways. But I WAS interested when a friend tossed a ratty Flowers paperback my way. In my young mind the book was so "grown up" and the fact that it would be considered very taboo by my parents made it all the better - I coveted them and kept them out of plain sight at home (and talked my great grandmother into buying me the rest of the series and, over time, several others). I devoured them, loved them (still do, likely always will), felt a part of them, couldn't get enough of them. I truly believed they were giving me secret adult knowledge that my parents were hiding from me. What can I say? I was pubescent. Everything was dramatic and everyone had a motive. Years later the first one became a movie. Harsh disappointment. Why can't a director just follow a dang book?
Now I know this was not the first time in history that a book became a lame movie, but it was my first experience.
The next time it happened was with The Firm, a John Grisham book. I read it and a little while later? Movie. With a different ending. Naturally.
Over the years there has been The Nanny Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada - which I cracked up at and tried to get friends to read but no one was interested for a couple years until, hmm, imagine that, it was on the silver screen.
What else? Confessions of A Shopaholic (we went over that last week) and The Bridges of Madison County. The Time Travelers Wife. Tuck Everlasting. Bridge To Terabithia (altho I think there was a movie on that before & after I read that one). Oh, and there was Where The Heart Is and Memoirs of A Geisha and well, crud. Let's see. (Knocking on head...) Got it! The Ya-Ya Siterhood. I tell you no lies here. I read it several years before Sandra Bullock landed the role, or before there was even a role for Sandra Bullock to land.
What else...what else...figures! Now that I am trying to convince you all of how obviously gifted I am at choosing books to become movies I am at a loss for titles. I could run up the stairs and take a peek at my book shelf. But. That would require, you know, going. up. the. stairs. All of them. And then back down again, which is easier, but not entirely effortless.
Oh well, I am pretty sure you get the idea without me boring you with the details or wearing myself out climbing steps. (I just know that when I go to bed tonight about 12 more titles will come to mind! Ain't that always the way?)
There were also some borderline books - where I'm not sure if there were deals going on behind the scenes or not when I read them because it wasn't being publicly talked about but they were too close to call. To name two: Tuesdays With Maury and The Memory Keepers Daughter. I read them because they sounded good...and because everytime I went to Target they called to me. How did they know my name? I swear I tried to ignore them and to shop only for much needed shampoo and toothpaste. But darn those Target team members for putting the books right there across the aisle from the necessities. Once I picked one up and thumbed thru it, it was all over. It became a necessity. You know how that goes. Don't you? If so, maybe you could tell my husband so he believes me? (Friends, if Target starts selling yarn? I could so be smacked with divorce papers.)
So on to my recent change of events....I have decided to buy a book based on a movie that I want to see. There's a first time for everything, right?
Guess what I picked?
Julie & Julia - about the chick named Julie who decides to spend a year making Julia Childs recipes and writing a blog about it. Loved the trailer. Bought the book. I have only just started reading it, but I'm certain I will have it finished in time for the movie to come out...on August 7th.

You don't think I can convince ol' Mister Jones that it's a GOOD date night movie?
Sure I can!
I mean, I might have to dig a little deeper into my bag-o-wife-tricks, but I assure you it can, AND WILL, be done.
Am I setting myself up for the bitter reality of another book-turned-movie gone bad? Or will the book be annoying and the movie with all its Meryl Streep-ness be an adorable hit?
Who knows. I'm just happy to have a book to read that's light-hearted. And I am going to try really hard not to pitch a fit if it all goes awry. But lets not think negatively, ok? Lets think only blissful thoughts - after all, its a movie based on a book based on a cook and a blogger. WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE, I say! Or rather, I ask!
OK, now I'm just getting carried away. Oooh, ooh, thought of another - really trashy chicklit book Maneater. Man Eater? Anyways, by Gige Lavinge someone-or-other.
Wanna see the trailer? Silly me, OF COURSE YOU DO!
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